The Impact of Invisalign Consultation on Your Oral Health in Edmonton

 Hey, all beautiful souls!!

Are you suffering from crossbite, gap teeth, misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, open bite, overbite & underbite teeth issues? Without a doubt, Invisalign is the perfect treatment for your perfect teeth. 

Invisalign treatment holds the power to give you teeth like celebrities. Of course, you will find that it is the only method free of brackets & wires. It is a transparent set of tailor-built & tight-fitting mouthpieces that slip over the teeth. 

You may be wondering what to do when I have crowded teeth or small teeth gap 

issues. The answer is only the Invisalign that doesn't let you be embarrassed when you laugh solely or among others.

Quick Information: If you want Invisalign to work, you should wear them 2 to 22 hours daily. 

So, get ready to know about the impact of Invisalign consultation on your oral health in Edmonton. 

What is the Impact of Invisalign Consultation on Your Oral Health?

As you know, a healthy tooth ensures the smooth functioning of your jaw. Invisaligns are not just limited to perfecting your smile; also hold the power to let your oral health shine excellently. 

Check out in detail the impact of Edmonton Invisalign Consultation on your oral health:- 

  • Assessment of Orthodontic Issues

During the consultation, an orthodontic professional will assess the specific orthodontic issues affecting the patient's teeth and bite. This includes evaluating misalignments, crowding, spacing, and other concerns. For Children's Dentist Near Me - you can visit City Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry. 

  • Customized Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment, the orthodontist will create a customized treatment plan outlining how Invisalign aligners will address the individual's specific dental issues. This plan considers the unique features of the patient's oral anatomy.

  • Educational Component

The consultation allows the orthodontist to educate the patient about the Invisalign process. This includes explaining how the clear aligners work, the importance of compliance with wearing them, and the expected duration of the treatment.

  • Digital Impressions and Treatment Simulation

The most important step is the digital impressions & treatment stimulations. To get more clarity, digital impressions are taken to create a 3D model of the patient's teeth. After the preview, the results lead to the final results. 

  • Discussion of Oral Health Habits

The orthodontist will discuss the patient's oral hygiene habits and provide guidelines for maintaining good oral health during the Invisalign treatment. This includes proper cleaning of aligners, regular dental check-ups, and overall oral hygiene.

  • Identification of Suitability

The consultation helps the orthodontist determine if Invisalign is suitable for the patient's specific dental issues. While Invisalign is effective for many cases, there are instances where traditional braces or alternative treatments may be more appropriate.

  • Addressing Patient Concerns

Patients can use the consultation to express concerns or questions about the Invisalign process. This open communication ensures the patient is well-informed and comfortable with the treatment plan.

  • Monitoring Overall Oral Health

Throughout the Invisalign treatment, regular check-ups with the orthodontist are scheduled to monitor progress and address any emerging issues. This ongoing supervision contributes to the overall oral health of the patient. Your child also needs care for this you can visit the Children's Dentist Near Me at City Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry. 

In summary, an Invisalign consultation is a comprehensive process that goes beyond just assessing the alignment of teeth. It involves creating an individualized treatment plan, educating the patient, addressing concerns, and monitoring oral health throughout the treatment. This personalized approach ensures that Invisalign is a suitable and effective solution for improving both the aesthetics and health of the patient's smile.


Dental Issues Corrected by Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment using clear aligners to move teeth into their desired positions gradually. While it may not address all dental issues, it can effectively correct common problems. Some of the dental issues that Invisalign can help correct include:

  • Crowded Teeth

Invisalign can gradually shift crowded teeth, creating more space and alignment.

  • Spaces Between Teeth

In cases of gaps or spaces between teeth, Invisalign can help close these spaces by moving the teeth into a more desirable arrangement.

  • Overbite

An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth. Invisalign can help correct overbites by guiding the teeth into a more balanced position.

  • Underbite

In cases of underbite, where the lower front teeth protrude past the upper front teeth, Invisalign can assist in achieving a more harmonious bite.

  • Crossbite

Crossbites involve the misalignment of upper and lower dental arches. Invisalign can address crossbites by adjusting the position of the teeth.

  • Open Bite

An open bite occurs when there is no overlap between the upper and lower front teeth. Invisalign can work to close this gap and improve the bite.

  • Mild to Moderate Malocclusions

When jaws are closed, malocclusion—when teeth are not properly aligned—is treated with Invisalign in mild to moderate cases.

Important to keep in mind is that those with severe orthodontic issues might not be excellent candidates for Invisalign; in these cases, traditional braces or other orthodontic treatments might be recommended. Speaking with an orthodontic specialist can also assist you in determining the best course of action for your needs and circumstances, as each case is different.

Invisalign offers several advantages, including removing the aligners for eating, brushing, and flossing. Its nearly invisible appearance makes it popular for individuals seeking a more discreet orthodontic solution.


For the Right Consultation, Visit Edmonton Invisalign Consultation 

Get a perfect smile with the help of perfect aligners only at Edmonton Invisalign Consultation - City Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry. As you have discovered that Invisalign is the right alternative to traditional braces for kids, teens & adults, talk to these experts who are ready to give you one-on-one consultancy & smile confidently. 

At City Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry, you will have each & everything comfortable. From initial consultation to treatment consultation, you will get every step of this treatment at ease. 

Get your first aligners here!!

Feel free to book your consultation now!!


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